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Relationships with the Opposite Sex

representative of the past, the status quo, and those, which are innovative. In the interpersonal communication the goals are mostly individual. They are based on the feelings of two persons, or on the social status of one of them, or on the money. When people are young they do not think much about their future. They enjoy life to the full. They fall in love as easy as they lose that feeling. They change their partners, their boyfriends and girlfriends. They do not care about getting married, making a family, and having a dozen of nice and smart children. They think more often about their education and career. Of course they fall and than rise again. They try the life and become more and more experienced in the interpersonal communications. The situation changes when a person becomes elder. You understand that the life is not easy, and when you make a choice to break up with your partner, or your husband or wife and start new relationships with someone else you come to a kind of trouble. First of all you appraise your past and your future. And you suddenly feel that despite of all the quarrels and misunderstandings you will not be able to quit the game and start the new one – the new game with the new rules that may be more difficult. Than you start thinking of a person whom you are going to break up with. You analyze all pros and cons, you accept his/her arguments on this topic, and you of course think about his or her feelings. So the conclusion is very clear: the younger a person is the easier for him or her it is to change their life. But this conclusion is not the only one. A very important role in the decision-making process of both plays the continuance of the relationship. It is not easy to break up after long lasting relationships. – A man and a woman obtain something they do not want to lose, something they do not want to forget, something they do not want to divulge. Therewith, the continuance of their rel...

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