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genre The Bad Touch

nt genres that the radio stations play we will first have to identify the differences between the alternative rock, and hip hop pop.The roots of rock and roll started in the South with rhythm and blues. Rhythm and blue was considered to be Black, music, this style originated in the South and was very popular among the black community. The artist utilized instruments like the blues guitar and the saxophone. Many of the original lyrics where derived from gospel songs, written by both white and black musicians. As time went on many of the lyric became much more sexual. The rhythms started to change to a much more seductive sound, and the name of the music was soon changed to rock and roll. Rock n roll was a slang term or an innuendo for having sex. It still incorporated the sound of the blues guitar, but over time the blues guitar was replaced with the sound of the country, or folk guitar.Country and folk music were traditionally considered to be music that was listen to by exclusively the white community. The addition of these sounds to rock and roll music still did not make the music acceptable in the white community since most of the artists and song writers were still black. In the early fifties record producers noticed that many of the young white crowds were going and listening to the black artist perform. 2Since this was still not considered to be socially acceptable, the record companies started using white artist to perform black rock and roll songs. Most of the songs were stolen from the previous arts with out compensation. The black community called these actions white washing. One of the greatest influence to rock n roll music was the introduction of the electric guitar in the fifties.The electric guitar drastically changed the sound of rock and roll music even in its present form that we hear today. Artists now had the ability to transform the sound of the guitar into a distorted even shrieking sound that has become...

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