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Ethics in America

 Telling me Stacey was pregnant and she will get fired if she kept calling in  Telling me Carmen wants more time off and she exhausted all her vacation  Showing me employees time sheet  Discussing to me about what other representatives told her  Screaming and telling me you got kicked out of class so I need to come back to MC instead of saying softly, did not explain I had to inquire  Telling another employee something personal I told Sonia Griffin about my time off  When Arlene and I went with Sonia Griffin for Christmas and came back late she said nothing about my time sheet and even told me I should put an hour and I told her it was okay because it was only five minutes and I worked overtime  When Arlene wants to or has to leave Sonia Griffin ask if she has looked at the calendar and she says no I have something to do you allow her to go and say nothing  When Liz had her tooth extracted she was on personal calls and was in talking with reps, she only took eight calls, you never pulled her phone report  When Brenda and Maggie were out you spoke about what they were and were not doing and how they needed to clean it up or you would take action  When Stacey called in she wrote on the calendar called in then scratched it out when she came in and put vacation On Friday at 4:25 Sonia Griffin calls me to tell me she needs to speak with me and not to leave until she does. At 4:30 I went to her desk and she tells me she is not ready I need to wait. After about five minutes we go into the conference room and she gives me my time sheet and tells me she is writing me up for falsifying it. I asked her what she meant and she told me I better not argue with her because she could fire me. I asked her how could she even make this proposition when I have not submitted my time sheet. She informed me she had consulted with you and you told her it was okay. ...

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