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nment. But this approach took them in a very dangerous situation in relation Arabian expantio (various industry) win over them on the wars because of better arming, force.-At least the Papa himself try to give choise (permision) for examination of the nature. Also he gave a command to some prists to explain why we can exam the outer world.-Who solve that was ’Sant Tomas Aquinus’ which he turn back to Aristotle and discover him and his system of science. So in the late scolastical universaries from 13th century A.C. the students learn more about science. ex. SEPTEM ARTES LIBERALES, 7 free arts (maths, geometry, grammar, music, astrology, retoric, logic)-From the ’TRECENTO’ 13th century A.C. a new social group born in the traid in Italy and some western countries. -Traid houses of textiliance, and they said that the new civil are not satisfied with the scholastic kind of understanding (the axiomatic kind of understanding), because the christian church cannot explain anything on the basis of bible. (ex wars between christians, rich-poor)-So they said the axiomatic way of explanation good for anything therefore good for nothing.-And on your way we cannot accept the real experience but we are traders and we should accept trade in the life, therefore they look for a new kind of understanding.-There’s philosophy was English which most times was empirical. The new thinker was ‘Francis Bacon’ which he establishes a new kind of science investigation. In his book the new name of thinking called ‘empirical inductive way’ in the 16th-17th century and his book ‘NOVOUM ORGANOUS’ (new Organo) established in the year 1620.-This method say’s that firstly we have to collect sensual experience and after divide and compare them and after find the conclusions.-Therefore axiomatic didactic way goes from general to special but the empirical inductive way from special to general.-In the 18t...

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