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cipative leadership. Laissez-faire leadership (really non-leadership) is a hands off approach. If the group’s goals are being accomplished under the management of a LF leader, it is because the group members are self-motivated, demonstrate effective teamwork, and exhibit expertise in their field. Variable leadership, a precursor to “situational leadership” draws from a combination of the above styles. Whether this form of leadership is effective depends on how each style is applied at what time. The styles of leadership help us understand how people go about practicing the art, the question how does our individual traits affect our ability to do so? OH #4 Leadership Traits. Traits can be described as our general orientation (paradigm) toward people and things. Regrettably we tend to view ourselves, as the way people ought to be. That is problematic. This clouds our judgment of ourselves and others, hindering our ability to ascertain weaknesses, and objectively evaluate and develop upon our strengths. Traits are such a fundamental aspect of our personalities that they lead us to display consistent behavior across different situations. (Each of us can be described in terms of our personal traits.) There are certain traits that are associated with effective leadership. They are so critical, yet difficult to pinpoint, that for centuries, volumes have been written in an effort to define and describe them. They are the critical foundation of successful leadership. These traits distinguish leaders from non-leaders. OH #5: Common Traits of Leaders continued. Integrity of character is the foundation of lasting and effective leadership. Kouzes and Posner assert, “Honesty is absolutely essential to leadership. After all, if we are willing to follow someone whether it is into battle or into the boardroom, we want first to assure ourselves that the person is worthy of our trust. We want to be fully confident in the integrity ...

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