Sigmund Freud is one of the most famous psychologists to ever hit the study of psychology. His name alonesymbolizes the importance of his theories, and the namethat comes to most people's heads when saying the wordpsychology is Sigmund Freud. Freud was a psychodynamicpsychologist and came from the conservative point of viewwhich states that man is bad and society is good, which Ido not agree with 100% because not all man's actions arenecessarily bad and with bad intentions. Freud was a real pessimist when it came to human nature.He identifies man's weaknesses in saying that man is abiological creature with biological drives. He reflected theseideas off of Darwin's original ideas. I do agree with thistheory because man's drives are survival andself-preservation. Freud also stated that mankind'saggression helps him to survive, he says that man has aninnate sense of survival. I also agree with this theorybecause aggression and dominance guarantees our survival.He also believed that over the many thousands of years thatman has been alive man developed rational thought. Freudstated that people do not have to live like animals becauseovertime we developed a society that has rules andregulations in order to keep our animal nature in check. Iagree with Freud on this because of many cases when aperson has some bad intentions in mind but let's them gowhen they know the consequences. Another thing Freud said was the idea of OpposingInstincts which when comes to mind creates conflict. Thefirst of the two opposing instincts is the Eros, which is thelife instinct, which also ensures the organisms life. The IDpresses us to survive and pushes us to produce. The Erosseeks pleasure and then we rationalize it. Next comes theThanatos, which is the death instinct, and this instinct saysthat all organisms have a death wish towards themselvesand I agree completely. This he says becomes our owndestruction. Freud says it is natural to move towards deathand th...